Saturday, January 24, 2009

We were super busy over the holidays and so much has happened. Braylon & Brielle are almost 15 months (13 months adjusted) for those that don't know 13m adjusted is how age is counted for premature babies. They were born two months early so their development is evaluated from their actual due date and not the date they were born. Anywho, we have hit a few milestones since our last post. Brielle now has a few words under her belt which include "baby" and bye bye" and I suppose we should count her shaking her head "no." Braylon has caught up with her developmentally and is now right where he should for his adjusted age. He has started to clap his hands, babbles and holds a conversation with his sister. What they're saying is a very good question. Christmas was great for them, Santa brought them lots of toys to help them learn ABC's and 123's.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through the grad board. What week were they born in? I can't remember, I used to have you on myspace but deleted my page.

    Anywho, it is great to see how well they are doing!
